Unlock the Full Potential of AVEVA PI System with a True Expert
Over 25 Years of PI Experience Ensure Your Success
Initial Architecture and Planning
If you just purchased a PI System or you need to expand the one you have, get started on the right foot with a system designed by someone with 25 years of experience.
Installation and Upgrades
There are many factors that go into a successful deployment or major upgrade of a PI System. I can help with everything from specifying suitable hardware to discussing security options and best practices.
Rearchitecting and Upgrading
The business landscape changes constantly. Business units are bought and sold, operations are consolidated, and workforces change. If you find yourself with a heterogeneous environment in need of a redesign, choose someone with a proved track record and the necessary experience to properly architect and implement the project.
New Initiatives and Capabilities
The OSIsoft PI System has many newer capabilities. Whether you want to start using the asset-based approach, want to start adding analytics to your system, or need to integrate PI data into your other systems, you need someone who understands how it all fits together.
Enable Your No-Code Engineers
It is important to give your talented engineers the data tools that they need to fully leverage their knowledge. PI AF provides point-and-click tools to do just that, but most companies are not taking full advantage of this. Left to their own devices, engineers often default to using the tools that they already know like Excel. Unfortunately, this relegates them to manual data manipulation. Train your engineers to take full advantage of AF and put them on the path to developing automated solutions that continue to work in the background as they look for the next opportunity to improve your processes.
Data Architecture Development
The PI Asset Framework allows you to arrange and extend your data. If you are just getting started, it can be a bit overwhelming. It helps to have an experienced Data Architect on the team who is already familiar with the PI System and other typical applications used in industrial settings.

Recent Aveva OSIsoft PI System Posts
What the Asset Framework Needs – Timezone support
Aveva’s (acquired OSIsoft) Asset Framework features attributes to specify the location of an asset. Adding a built-in timezone attribute is a missing component that would help several use cases. Many AF Servers contain elements located in different timezones. This would allow: Analysis calculations to be triggered from the element’s local time. This is useful when…
Condition-Based Maintenance using the OSIsoft PI System
Gopal GopalKrishnan gave an excellent presentation about Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) at the OSISoft Users Conference this year. For many years, Gopal has been the go to guy at OSIsoft when it comes to this subject. What we are seeing now is the result of his, and others, efforts over the years working with OSIsoft customers…
End of Support for Windows Server 2003 Coming This Year – Plan now to upgrade your OSIsoft PI System Computers
Microsoft will end support of Windows Server 2003 on July 14th, 2015. Microsoft will no longer provide security fixes and updates for the OS after this date. It is imperative that you develop a plan to upgrade any PI servers or interface computers that you have running this OS. Upgrading your PI Server is usually…
Targeted OSIsoft PI System Training
I think that we have all had the experience before where you sit in a training class, some of the information in the class is relevant to what you do, and some is not. At times, you sit there with your eyes glazed over bored to tears. You feel good finishing the class, but as…
Successful upgrade of PI Server 2012 to Windows Server 2012 R2
[update 10/8/14 – There is an OSIsoft alert (OSIsoft site login required) that PI Server 2012 is only supported on Windows Server 2012 R2 if Microsoft patch 2963918 is installed on the server. This fixes an issue with the VSS backups. I successfully upgraded the secondary server of my PI development collective to Windows Server 2012 R2. The…