Dianomic FogLAMP

Installation and Support

An early pioneer in IIoT deployments. Take advantage of real-world experience and leapfrog the competition.

System Integration

IIoT is all about collecting data and sending it where it needs to go. Take advantage of industry-leading experience integrating industrial data with IT infrastructure.

Plugin Development

While 80% of your needs are likely to be readily available off-the-shelf, it is good to have an engineer who can wrangle the bits when needed. Raesemann Enterprises has experience developing plugins having donated many to the LF Edge project.

Containerized Deployments

Run FogLAMP and FLEDGE in almost any environment from Windows PC's, Embedded Linux Systems, even Cisco switches via IOx.

IIoT is the Natural Progression of your PI Environment

By Rob Raesemann | August 26, 2022 |

For those of us working in the PI world for the past couple of decades, we were Industry 3.5. We were the ones who broke up the silos and made process data available across the enterprise. We bridged the divide between the Information Technology world (IT) and the Operational Technology World (OT). By installing interfaces…

Taking on a new role as co-chair of the Linux Foundation LFEdge Fledge Project Technical Steering Committee

By Rob Raesemann | August 1, 2022 |

I joined the Linux Foundation’s LF Edge project called Fledge in 2021 as a voting member of the Technical Steering Committee. Last month, I became a co-chair of this committee. While the Linux Foundation, Open Source, and Industrial IoT are new to me, I bring my 25+ years of experience with IT/OT integration to the…

FLEDGE IIoT Quick Start – Get up and running in less than an hour

By Rob Raesemann | September 2, 2021 |

So you want to be an IIoT Geek. Jumping into this emerging field can be a little intimidating, especially if you don’t have a background in Linux. In this demonstration, we will use Docker to quickly stand up a FLEDGE IIoT Framework node along with the FLEDGE GUI to configure it and have a Kafka…

FLEDGE IIoT Docker Image to Help Get You Started

By Rob Raesemann | January 29, 2021 |

I just posted the latest Fledge IIoT Development image to Dockerhub. This is a great way to get your feet wet with FLEDGE. You will also find the FLEDGE GUI useful for managing your FLEDGE instance FLEDGE is the premier Industrial IoT platform with south plugins to collect data from most industrial control systems and…