Posts by Rob Raesemann
Stuxnet virus – fascinating and scary
Today seems to be a cyber security day. I spent some time this morning talking to Brian Owen of OSIsoft about PI architectures and NERC CIP compliance. Later I was looking at Slashdot which eventually led to an interesting blog post by Symantec regarding the Stuxnet virus. There are several interesting aspects to this virus… The virus uses…
Read MoreConfiguring a new OSIsoft vCampus Development Server
The time has come to renew my OSIsoft vCampus subscription. This is the second year of the vCampus program and my second year participating. In case you are not familiar with vCampus, you can find the site here I’ve been working with PI since PI 3 was released on Windows NT around 1996. I…
Read MoreAir pollution monitoring market to rise 20% in 2010 due to greenhouse gas measurement needs
Interesting predictions about the growth in the CEMS market can be found here. It is pretty likely that as the EPA imposes restrictions and taxes on CO2 emissions that the need to maintain reliable and accurate CEMS will become even more important. It will also be interesting to see how the Hg CEMS market progresses.…
Read MoreRaesemann Enterprises joins the OSIsoft vCampus
I just finished participating in the OSIsoft vCampus Introductory Webinar. The OSIsoft vCampus is a new community designed to assist developers in developing applications around PI.
Read MoreThe Associated Press: EPA’s Relaxed Emissions Rule Struck Down
Everyone in the CEMS business has been waiting to see how this goes and now we know. A federal court has struck down the EPA’s cap and trade regulation for Mercury. The Associated Press: EPA’s Relaxed Emissions Rule Struck Down. This means that the EPA will have to go back and revise their mercury regulations.…
Read MoreThermo Scientific press release regarding tested systems
Thermo recently released a press release saying that they had 25 systems that have passed all of the required regulatory testing (I’m sure that they mean as far as they can given the state of the regulations and standards at this point). Hopefully we will soon be able to add a couple more to the…
Read MoreMCG installation a little rough
The installation of the MCG’s has been going a little rough. At this time we have one of the units installed but not completely tested. We have the first production “X Box” systems and the design has been updated and standardized since we installed ours. As a result there are a few standard parts that…
Read MoreThe final few steps in Hg CEMS implementation
We are working on the last few steps to complete the project. Thermo sent us a mercuric choloride generator for a game cube probe but we have the modified inertial probe installed so we had to wait a couple of months for the right kit. We are scheduled to have it installed the week of…
Read MoreMercury Systems are Operational
A long overdue update… All of the little issues have finally been resolved and both Mercury Freedom Systems are working. We have the mercuric chloride generators and nitrogen generators on order and expect to receive them in the next few weeks. We encountered a number of difficulties during the commissioning of the systems. Our original…
Read MoreOSIsoft Users Conference
I said that I would be live blogging from the users conference. If you have ever been then you know how busy it can get. Things are pretty packed from morning until night. We are heading into the end of the conference today and I guess I could say that I was just waiting to…
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